Tuesday, October 30, 2012

10-30-12 Poem

Success attracts two things
And the pains such love brings

To be admired,
but too fraid to be aquired

My life....now

To be the woman I am
but assumed to be
everything else

Sad...for a little while

Sunday, October 14, 2012

10-14-12 Poem

My sister,
Who's lived 31 years
On my birthday
My wish is for God to claim your tears
I couldnt find a card to say
You're stuck with me forEver...okay
I get why you've been mad since '86
Since packing my school lunch, and pick up sticks
Since chocolate M & M cakes and jelly slides
Since getting big sister blamed for when I cried
Since wetting your bed, when I was too scared to sleep alone for nighty night
Since kicks in the face and salt and pepper fights
I hope on your birthday you didnt wish me away
You're the bestest big sister, well for the torture that's the least I can say!

Thanks for everything, love you.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/3 Poem

I dated a Frank Sinatra once
And ohh was he a fine fella
He wore a cologne of love
And when we danced I became Cinderella

Smile today love I miss you, I love you. You are in my thoughts always.

With love,